My penis points downwards when erect


My penis faces downwards when it is erect.

Will it pose any type of problem during sex? Is it normal or should I get some treatment?


Thank you for asking this question. It is difficult to know how to answer your question in specific terms as I don’t have much information, e.g. any pain associated with the curving, or even when you first noticed this problem. All the same, I will discuss some common reasons for penile curvature.

I know we often talk about penises in terms of variance in size i.e. length and width, and whether or not that matters or how much it matters. However, penises do vary in curvature as well. In other words, the shape it takes while flaccid i.e. not erect and the shape it takes while erect vary from man to man.

That being said, there can be other reasons for the curvature of a penis. One is too much masturbation, especially if you don’t use lubricant or are too rough, both of which can cause injuries that heal themselves by producing scar tissue. If you’re masturbating too much, remember this: be kind to your penis! There’s no reason to treat it so roughly especially if you expect it to keep serving your needs into old age. Yet another reason for a curved penis is Peyronie’s disease. I would like to spend a little more time discussing this as it can be scary yet it can also be easy to ignore or make fun of.

The penis should curve a bit upwards when it's erect. However, it’s ok if it points to the horizontal. If your penis really does curve downwards, then this suggests a structural problem which needs sorting out.

Please ask your GP to send you to a urologist (a urological surgeon).

When you go along for the appointment, take either a drawing or a mobile phone photo of your erect penis.

Best of luck to you!

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