Paralysis : Definition and Patient Education

Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in part of your body. It can be localized or generalized, partial or complete, and temporary or permanent. Paralysis can affect any part of your body at any time in your life. If you experience it, you probably won’t feel pain in the affected areas.
A treatment plan and outlook for the condition will depend on the underlying cause of paralysis, as well as symptoms experienced. Technological innovations and therapeutic interventions may help you maintain your independence and quality of life.

The symptoms of paralysis are usually easy to identify. If you experience paralysis, you’ll lose function in a specific or widespread area of your body. Sometimes a tingling or numbing sensation can occur before total paralysis sets in. Paralysis will also make it difficult or impossible to control muscles in the affected body parts.

Doctors can classify paralysis in many different ways:


Localized paralysis affects only one part of your body, such as your face or hand.
Generalized paralysis is a group of conditions that affect multiple body parts. The types include:
  • monoplegia, which affects only one arm or leg
  • hemiplegia, which affects one arm and one leg on the same side of your body
  • paraplegia, which affects both of your legs
  • quadriplegia, or tetraplegia, which affects both of your arms and both of your legs


If you have partial paralysis, you’ll have some control over the muscles in the affected body parts. If you have complete paralysis, you’ll have no control over the muscles in the affected areas.


Your paralysis may be temporary. For example, Bell’s palsy is a condition that can cause temporary paralysis of your face. Strokes can also temporarily paralyze one side of your body. With time and treatment, you may regain some or all of your feeling and coordination.
In other cases, your paralysis may be permanent.

Flaccid or spastic

Flaccid paralysis causes your muscles to shrink and become flabby. It results in muscle weakness. Spastic paralysis involves tight and hard muscles. It can cause your muscles to twitch uncontrollably, or spasm.

Some people are born paralyzed. Others develop paralysis due to an accident or a medical condition.
Other causes of paralysis include:
  • cerebral palsy
  • post-polio syndrome
  • traumatic brain injury
  • neurofibromatosis
  • birth defects

Diagnosing paralysis is often easy, especially when your loss of muscle function is obvious. For internal body parts where paralysis is more difficult to identify, your doctor may use X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, or other imaging studies.
If you experience a spinal cord injury, your doctor may use myelography to assess your condition. In this procedure, they’ll insert a special dye into the nerves in your spinal cord. This will help them see your nerves more clearly on X-rays. They may also perform an electromyography. In this procedure, they’ll use sensors to measure electrical activity in your muscles.

A treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause of the paralysis, as well the symptoms experienced. For example, a doctor may prescribe:
  • surgery or possible amputation
  • physical therapy
  • occupational therapy
  • mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, braces, mobile scooters, or other devices
  • medications, such as Botox or muscle relaxers, if you have spastic paralysis
In many cases, paralysis isn’t curable. But a healthcare team can recommend a variety of treatments, tools, and strategies to help manage symptoms.

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