Does Masturbation Affect Penis Size? Myths and Misconceptions

Let’s get the burning question out of the way right now — no, masturbation has no impact on the size of your penis.
This is just one of many misconceptions about the link between masturbation and penis size. Masturbation is a perfectly normal and natural activity, and it has no harmful effects on your health, including your sexual health.
Let’s get into some of the misconceptions you can cross off your list of worries and safe ways you can modify the size and appearance of your penis if you’re interested in doing so.

There’s no single origin to the pervasive myth that masturbation causes penis shrinkage. But people definitely have theories — none of which stand up to the rigor of scientific inquiry.
One possible source is the notion that ejaculation reduces your testosterone levels. Many people also believe that testosterone levels are responsible for making your penis grow and shrink.
So by extension, having less testosterone would imply a smaller penis. But that’s wrong.
Here are the two primary reasons this is false:
  • Testosterone levels fall only briefly after you ejaculate. They go up temporarily when you masturbate or have sex. Then, they go back to normal levels after you ejaculate. But masturbating doesn’t affect serumtestosterone levels, the amount of testosterone that naturally occurs in your bloodstream, in the long term.
  • Testosterone levels have almost nothing to do with your penis size or your erections. Your penis size is affected primarily by your genesTrusted Source. Your ability to get and keep erections is affected by more than just testosterone — your state of mind, your diet, your lifestyle, and your overall health can all affect your erections.

Can masturbation stunt my growth?

Again, no. This myth also has to do with people’s misconceptions about testosterone levels.
This important hormoneTrusted Source is instrumental in your growth during your teenage years, especially. But numerous hormones are responsible for your growth throughout your life. Temporary reductions in testosterone after ejaculation don’t affect your body’s overall stores of testosterone.
In fact, eating unhealthily, not exercising enough, and exposure to airTrusted Source and waterTrusted Source pollutants are far bigger factors in stunting your growth than masturbation.

Can masturbation make my penis grow?

No. It’s not clear where this misconception came from. Some believe that it stems from the idea that doing male Kegel exercises, as well as other penile muscle and tissue manipulations like masturbation, helps with bladder and sexual health, which can increase muscle strength.
This may have led to the notion that stronger muscle equals bigger size — which is false.

The short answer here is no. Making changes to your diet, substance use, or exercise will not make your penis bigger or smaller.
But here’s a caveat: a healthy penis has a lot to do with blood flow. When you get erect, blood flows into three cylindrical pieces of tissue in the penile shaft. Anything you can do to improve blood flow will be beneficial to your penis health.
Here are some tips that may not make your penis bigger, but may give you healthier, sturdier erections:
  • eat foods rich in folateTrusted Source like spinach
  • drink caffeineTrusted Source in coffee or caffeinated tea
  • consume L-arginineTrusted Source in oatmeal or as supplements
  • take vitamin D supplements
  • reduce or eliminate alcoholTrusted Source and smokingTrusted Source
  • exercise regularly
  • reduce stressTrusted Source

There are increasingly safe and effective methods of enlarging or stretching your penis that have led to satisfying results for some.
These enlargement techniques have minimal results and no real health benefits. Some can have potentially harmful side effects, too. This can include loss of blood flow, penile injury, or loss of sensation in the area.
Talk to a doctor about these enlargement options before you try them.
Here are some options you can consider:
  • manual penis stretching exercises like jelqing
  • enlargement devices like the Andropenis, which has been found to increase penis length up to 1.2 inches
  • enlargement surgery like Penuma, the only FDA-approved enlargement implant with rigorous testing and documented successTrusted Source
Just remember that everyone’s penis is different. There’s no standard look, length, or width.
If a sexual partner, significant other, or someone else in your life is affecting your perception of your penis, talk to them about how it makes you feel.
You can also speak with a mental health counselor that specializes in sexual health. They can help you learn to be content with the size and appearance of your penis, and feel confident in talking to your partner about your feelings.

Masturbation won’t affect your penis size one way or another. In fact, masturbation can help you learn more about what makes you feel sexually satisfied.

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