Virginity & First-Time Sex for Teens

There is no doubt about it, sexual pleasure is one of the best feelings in the world. 

Most people's first experience with sexual pleasure and orgasm is through masturbation. There are many feelings and opinions about "getting off" through masturbation (sometimes referred to as solo sex).

But what about sexual activity with someone else? Whether it is your first kiss, touching, oral sex, or "going all the way," sexual activity with a partner is a powerful experience. 

There are choices to be made about how far you go and what responsibility you have to protect your partner and yourself from disease or pregnancy. This section deals with these complex issues.

Virgo: Origination of 'Virgin'

"Virgin" originated from the Greek and Latin word "Virgo," or maiden. It was used often in Greek mythology to classify several goddesses such as Artemis (also known as Diana) and Hestia.

Artemis is the Greek virgin goddess of the moon and the hunt; she protects women in labor, small children, and wild animals. Hestia is the Greek virgin goddess of the hearth. She never takes part in the struggle of men and gods. Virgin was a label of strength and independence by being used to describe the goddesses who were immune to the temptations of Dionysus, Greek god of seduction and wine. Virginity was once a term of power.
Men and women on average have the same level of sex drive, according to scientists. None of us are alike in when we will want to have sex, how often, and with whom. Some guys want sex at an earlier age, some at a later age. Likewise, some girls want to have sex at an earlier age, some at a later age. Some want more sex and some want less sex. But television, movies, magazines, and society in general present us with a false definition of who we are supposed to be and when we should have sex.

So let's get real. You are the one who needs to look yourself in the mirror. You are the one who needs to decide if you are ready to have sex and what the consequences might be of having sex at a young age. If you are confused about whether or not you should or shouldn't have sex, it's a good idea to wait and do some more thinking and soul searching.

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