Possible problems for overweight children

Overweight children can face many difficulties. They may feel different from other children, which can affect their confidence. They can also be subjected to bullying from other children. This may make parents feel worried about their child taking part in everyday activity such as school sports. Unfortunately, this cycle can make weight control more difficult. 

Although health problems are less common in childhood, children who continue to be overweight into adulthood are at greater risk of developing:
  • High blood fats and heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Joint problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Some forms of cancer.
It is rare for a medical condition to cause a child to become overweight, but always check with your doctor if you are concerned. 

If your child is overweight, it is important to seek the advice of a health professional. Young children should not be on diets that severely limit food intake. You may be advised to make permanent changes to your family’s lifestyle and eating patterns. Everyone at home should be involved in these changes, regardless of body weight, so that no child feels singled out. Making the right changes will protect your children from developing eating and dieting problems later in life.

It may take a number of attempts before children are happy to change their food choices or become more active. This can be frustrating for parents who have their children’s best interests at heart. Don’t give up. Remember to stay positive. Children who are overweight need to know that they are loved and important, regardless of their weight. 

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