Influence of Testosterone on Male Behavior

Testosterone plays a role in certain behaviors, including aggression and dominance. ... Just as sexual activity can affect testosterone levels, taking part in competitive activities can cause a man's testosterone levels to rise or fall. Low testosterone may result in a loss of confidence and lack of motivation. 
Testosterone is an important male hormone. A male begins to produce testosterone as early as seven weeks after conception. Testosterone levels rise during puberty, peak during the late teen years, and then level off. After age 30 or so, it’s normal for a man’s testosterone levels to decrease slightly every year.
Most men have more than enough testosterone. But, it’s possible for the body to produce too little testosterone. This leads to a condition called hypogonadism. This can be treated with hormonal therapy, which requires a doctor’s prescription and careful monitoring. Men with normal testosterone levels should not consider testosterone therapy.
Testosterone levels affect everything in men from the reproductive system and sexuality to muscle mass and bone density. It also plays a role in certain behaviors.
When a male hits puberty, the influence of testosterone on his body and brain increases and may lead to some of the following behaviors:
    • Masturbation (sometimes a lot)
    • Bumping into things
    • Feeling moody and more aggressive
    • Sleeping a lot
    • Thinking about and fantasizing about sex
    • Wet dreams

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